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[Totem Enquiry] fishes he killed are all after him; oppressed by daughter- 2011

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 More Totem Enquiry Cases

Totem Enquiry

The following case is extracted from “The Art of Applying Comprehensive Metaphysics” Grand Dharma Function in Malaysia on 28 August 2011. Master Lu performed Totem Enquiries live on stage and answered questions from the audience to help them overcome difficulties in their health, career, and everyday issues.

When a person is asking Master Lu to perform Totem Enquiry, if a living person is being enquired, then the year of birth and the Chinese zodiac sign of that person should be stated. If a deceased person is being enquired, then the full name of the deceased and the exact written characters of the name should be stated.


Enquirer 1: Hi, Master Lu. Year of the Rooster.

Master Lu: Hm. You were born in the year of the Rooster.

Enquirer 1: 1945.

Master Lu: Born in 1945. Born in the year of the Rooster, right? Sir, what would you like to ask?

Enquirer 1: How’s my health condition?

Master Lu: Your health condition, right? Sir, let me first tell you, you were born in the year of the Rooster, right? Let me tell you about the Totem of this Rooster. It looks like when it walks it doesn’t have a clear vision. It wobbles as it walks. From looking at the Totem, you have two problems. Firstly, your eyes are not good, right?

Enquirer 1: Yes.

Master Lu: Secondly, your legs are not good. Because this Rooster has a limp leg, which means your lower back and your legs can’t support you to stand up straight. Is that correct?

Enquirer 1: Correct. My legs are indeed not very good.

Master Lu: You see?

Enquirer 1: Also, for the past year, it seems like I’ve been losing my eyesight.

Master Lu: You see?

Enquirer 1: Why?

Master Lu: Why?

Enquirer 1: Karmic obstacles due to negative karmas.

Master Lu: You are Master Lu. You answer your own questions and you understand everything. This gentleman is very interesting. Sir, you were right, it’s due to karmic obstacles. This is because, let me tell you, when you were young, you performed some killings. I’m not sure if you did fishing or not.

Enquirer 1: Yes, I did.

Master Lu: Isn’t this accurate? Sir, you know those fish are all coming after you now. Do you know? On your lower back, and on your leg, here. From the Totem, I can see that there’s a rod holding up the Rooster. Do you know what this rod looks like? It’s a fishing rod!

Enquirer 1: Can I be saved?

Master Lu: Ha Ha. This gentleman is very interesting. Sir, let me tell you, you can absolutely be saved.

Enquirer 1: How?

Master Lu: Okay. Let me tell you. Sir, today, Master Lu will give you blessings. I will let you live for a long time. Okay?

Enquirer 1: Okay!

Master Lu: Let me tell you, you should recite the Great Compassion Mantra (Ta Pei Chou) 21 times per day. After a month, you can recite it 49 times per day. You will see if you’ll have a long life. Your lower back will improve day by day. Also, I would like you to recite Little Houses. Recite one per day, but for first batch you need 49 Little Houses. After your first batch, you should recite 7 Little Houses for every subsequent batch. Continuously perform your recitations this way. You should also perform Life Liberation. You still have some savings, I know.

Enquirer 1: When I perform Life Liberation, how many birds should I release?

Master Lu: Birds are originally not for killing anyway. Even if you release birds, there’s not much effect. You should release those that are going to be immediately killed by others, like those being sold in seafood stores. Do you understand? You can’t just release birds. You need to release fish. Do you understand? Sir. Sir, do you believe me or not? I know how much money you have. Alright, he stopped talking. Immediately stopped talking. Let me tell you, you should take out your money and use it for Life Liberation. Let me tell you, you should release fish. For releasing fish, I will set a standard for you. You should release 1000 fish.

Enquirer 1: Oh, 1000 fish.

Master Lu: Alright. Don’t buy ones that are this small. They need to be this big.

Enquirer 1: Saltwater fish or freshwater fish?

Master Lu: It doesn’t matter, you can buy saltwater fish and release them into the ocean, or buy freshwater fish and release them into a freshwater lake.

Enquirer 1: Okay! These days, I seem to have a restless mind when I’m doing daily tasks.

Master Lu: That’s right. Listen to me, Sir. Let me tell you, when you were young, you were very lively, very active. And you’re capable of doing a lot of things. Nothing is too difficult for you and no-one can stop you from doing it. What I just said, is that right?

Enquirer 1: Correct!

Master Lu: Also, let me tell you, at home, you definitely have authority. At home, your wife and child are a bit scared of you. But sometimes you are unreasonable, correct?

Enquirer 1: Correct! That’s not possible anymore! Now I’m being oppressed by my daughter!

Master Lu: Now he has lost his authority. He’s being oppressed by his daughter. Do you understand? This is what’s changed now. Sir, you should remember, if your daughter is oppressing you, in fact it’s because your daughter initially came into your life to repay karmic debts to you. Now she has repaid about enough. In the past she owed you, and now you owe her.

Enquirer 1: Now I owe her?!

Master Lu: Yes, that’s right.

Enquirer 1: Oh!

Master Lu: Ah-ya. Full of Dharma Bliss! Guan Yin Bodhisattva… When all of you are happy, Guan Yin Bodhisattva is happy as well.

Enquirer 1: I have another question.

Master Lu: You have another question. Please ask.

Enquirer 1: Born in the year of the Dragon, 1976.

Master Lu: A person born in the year of the Dragon, 1976, male or female?

Enquirer 1: Female. In her heart, there’s some kind of, well, similar to spiritual beings.

Master Lu: In the blood.

Enquirer 1: In the blood.

Master Lu: Is that… What did you say?

Enquirer 1: Yes, there is something, and it’s solid.

Master Lu: Oh. He said there’s something occupying the body of the female born in the year of the Dragon. Let me see what that thing is. Ah-ya! It’s not a thing.

Enquirer 1: What?

Master Lu: Wait, wait. This gentleman is very interesting. Born in the year of the Dragon, female, right? Ah. I see it, I see it. Sir, do you have a brother? Who passed away, already left.

Enquirer 1: Oh, well, I think I do.

Master Lu: This foreign spirit is currently occupying the body of this Dragon. In the past, the relationship between you and this brother of yours was very special. Can you recall now? You two were like this. Do you understand?

Enquirer 1: I understand, I understand.

Master Lu: Now do you know?

Enquirer 1: I know, I know.

Master Lu: If you have questions, you can go directly to Australia to find me.

Enquirer 1: Hello, Master Lu. There is another one, this person is 58 years old.

Master Lu: Give it to him, give it to him. Give him the microphone. It’s not easy for this old gentleman.

Enquirer 2: I was born in 1958.

Master Lu: Oh, so it’s you. Oh, you see! Oh, so you two actually pre-arranged it. One finishes, and gives the microphone to the other. Born in 1958. Let me tell you, you’re a nice person. Very kind. But you have a strong mind for revenge. When people are nice to you, then you, ah-ya, always treat them extremely well. But when people are not nice to you, ah-yo, you keep talking and talking and talking non-stop. Can you remember? Secondly, you’re able to operate a business. Do you understand?

Enquirer 2: But Master Lu, every time I have a business, I can’t be successful. It always fails halfway through.

Master Lu: You see? I was right. You can do business, but you fail halfway through. Then, that’s not really my business. Right? You have to remember, why do you fail halfway through? We say that conditions required for success include the right time, the right location, and the right people. Right? We should all remember that, in our lives, harmony generates wealth. When we have good relationships, then we would have wealth. When we have wealth, then we would have good relationships at home. Therefore, when we operate a business, we are actually learning to be a good person. Now, living in this world, we are learning how to be a good person. If we live as a good person, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas would be happy. Wherever we go, we would get to our destination without obstacles. All of you tell me, is that right?

Audience: Right!

Enquirer 2: Master Lu, I would also like to ask you, how come I feel that there are things occupying my body?

Master Lu: Alright, I have told you just now. The foreign spirit that’s occupying your body, is your… The last person who asked for Totem Enquiry, is he your father?

Enquirer 2: Ah, no. He’s my friend.

Master Lu: Oh, your friend. Oh, it’s not then. My mistake. Oh. Then, he asked about a person born in 1958, is that you?

Enquirer 2: I was born in 1958. It’s me. But I, I came here today…

Master Lu: Oh, he was helping you to ask a question. Then let’s start again, let’s start again. Just now I performed Totem Enquiry for him. I thought you were his daughter. 1958, what’s the Chinese zodiac sign?

Enquirer 2: Year of the Dog.

Master Lu: There are two foreign spirits of small children occupying your body. Do you understand? You don’t need to me say more, right? Two children, you must recite 21 Little Houses for each of them, so that they can leave. They are constantly making you feel unwell. Your biggest problem is that, when you’re good, you are very good, but suddenly you will lose your temper. You will suddenly become very unhappy. Do you understand?

Enquirer 2: But when I close my eyes, sometimes I can see colours. Sometimes what I can see is transparent. I can see something.

Master Lu: Let me tell you, okay? What you see are foreign spirits. Things that belong to the spiritual realms. At the beginning, you would just be able to see a little bit. For me, it’s the same. At first I can see a ring of light. A cluster of light with blue, purple, and all kinds of colours. Then gradually, I look further inwards. It’s like performing mouse clicks on a computer. The more you click, the more information you will see. You can only see the surface and you’re not able to click further, so you won’t be able to see what kind of foreign spirit it is. But I’m able to see what’s inside, so I can see foreign spirits.

Enquirer 2: But I can always see colours.

Master Lu: For people with a lot of “Yin” energy, they would be able to see this kind of thing. When a woman gives birth, when a person is sick, or when a person is about to pass away, at the time when “Yang” energy is lacking, a person would see things from the spiritual realms. Do you understand?

Enquirer 2: But Master Lu said I had two children, but I’m still unmarried now… But where do these two children come from?

Master Lu: If your mother had abortions before, the foreign spirits of the aborted children would also come and occupy your body.

Enquirer 2: My mother didn’t have abortions before.

Master Lu: You wouldn’t know about this. Many mothers wouldn’t want to talk about it. I have witnessed this type of incidents too often. You should go back and ask her about it. In the past, during my Dharma Functions, even during the Hong Kong Dharma Function, I have encountered this many times. People say that they don’t know, but in the end they go home and ask their mothers. Their mothers’ eyes would be wide open, and say, “How do you know?” Let me tell you, you must remember, they’re either yours or your mother’s. You can go home and ask her. But this is secondary. Most importantly, you should perform the transferring of merits for the two children on your body. If you don’t perform the transferring of merits, you will continue to see those things from the underworld. Okay?

Enquirer 2: But I feel that my feet, it’s like…

Master Lu: Hm. It would be best if you don’t ask me to enquire your Totem any further, because if I look further, I will be able to see the details of your entire life.

Enquirer 2: Because these issues are bothering me. Sometimes I sing. Sometimes… Sometimes I see figures that have a similar hand gesture to Guan Yin Bodhisattva, and they can talk.

Master Lu: You see? You see? They’re foreign spirits. Do I need to say any more? There are two children jumping around on her body. They are on her legs and it‘s as if they are talking there. You said the thighs can talk. Ah. This is why. Foreign spirits. So I have already told you. You don’t need to find any reasons. You just listen to me, and mindfully and sincerely recite Little Houses, okay?

Enquirer 2: How many times should I recite?

Master Lu: Ah, this is the right response. Okay. For each child, I will give you a smaller number. Recite 17 Little Houses.

Enquirer 2: 17 Little Houses.

Master Lu: Ah. Two children, recite 34 Little Houses.

Enquirer 2: Recite 34 Little Houses.

Master Lu: Ah. I guarantee that you will get better and better. No pain. Later you will welcome Master Lu to come back again. Okay?

Enquirer 2: Okay. Thank you.




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