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Eng Audiovisual[天地游]v1.B10 The Hell of Icy Coldness, the Hell of Blood Pool and

发表于 2020-11-3 11:20:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

[Official Transcript] v1.B10:The Hell of Icy Coldness, the Hell of Blood Pool and the Hell Associated with Defaming Buddhism 寒冰地狱,血池地狱,谤佛地狱

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Glossary Study

师父法身     the Master’s Dharma Body

寒冰地狱     the Hell of Icy Coldness


do not honour one's marriage and commit infidelity

血池地狱     the Hell of Blood Pool

不敬佛         disrespect the Buddha


ungrateful to people who have helped and taught them

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Journey to Heaven & Hell


In recent days, I have received some mental images.

The Master’s Dharma body, seated on a lotus flower, appeared out of thin air in the Guan Yin Citta Centre. Many other Bodhisattvas also appeared. A spirit of the deceased was standing beside Guan Di Bodhisattva.



The Hell of Icy Coldness:

A large display appears, showing scenes from this Hell. It’s not like the one that was burning hot; this Hell has a narrow path flanked by two snowy mountains. It’s just one scene in the Hell of Icy Coldness. The place is enormous, and the air is freezing. When the frigid wind blows, your skin goes numb, hurting with the cold, like the chilling pain of putting your hand on a block of ice.


A large display appeared, showing scenes from this Hell. It’s not like the one that was burning hot; this Hell had a narrow path flanked by two snowy mountains. But it was just one scene in the Hell of Icy Coldness. The place was eerily enormous, and the air was freezing. When the frigid wind blew, your skin would go numb, hurting with the cold, like the chilling pain of putting your hand on a block of ice. The narrow path was filled with people. Men and women were naked, not even wearing shoes, and shivering profusely. It was nothing short of freezing cold. The people were made to constantly walk around this Hell in the freezing snow, with the snowy mountains towering behind them. At the peak, enforcement officers kept hurling down snowballs which rolled down the mountain and produced the sound of a crashing avalanche. Far below, the offenders were in a constant state of panic and fear as they ran around frantically, colliding with each other as their screams echoed throughout this Hell.


Men and women who do not honour their marriage and commit infidelity will be punished here.



The Hell of Blood Pool and the Hell associated with defaming Buddhism.

The display depicted a Hell featuring a single, gigantic pool of red blood. The blood was mixed, smelling metallic, rotten and pungent. Men and women, soaking inside the red blood pool, were wailing constantly.

池里面有不知道是什么猛兽还是蛇在游动,经过的 地方池里的男男女女会哀叫不停,有断手断脚不停地浮 动在池面上。如果罪灵靠近岸边,会被地府官差驱赶, 不让罪灵上来。每个罪灵都是一脸痛苦。

Also inside the pool were some strange creatures. I had no idea whether they were ferocious beasts, or perhaps snakes gliding throughout the pool, but as they moved around, the men and women could not help but scream in constant anguish. Severed arms and legs floated on the pool’s surface. When an offender got close to the shore, they were driven away by the patrolling enforcement officers. Every offender was obviously deeply distressed.

另一个地狱景象出现。很多刑具,旁边有大火,刑 具都是被火烧得通红,官差拿着刑具在砍、剁罪灵。满空气的哀嚎声和血腥味,很可怕!

Suddenly, another Hell scene came onto the screen. There were many torture tools, all burning red hot, lying beside large burning flames. The enforcement officers were using them to chop and slice the offenders. Crying and wailing resonated through air reeking of blood. It was horrifying. 

这些地狱惩罚爱好淫欲的邪淫男女、堕胎之妇女, 以及身前谤佛、不敬佛、忘恩负义、不记师恩的罪灵。

弟子 2018-6-22

Men and women who indulge in serious deeds of sexual misconduct, women who perform abortions, and those who defame Buddhism, disrespect the Buddha and are ungrateful to people who have helped and taught them, will be punished here.

Yours sincerely.

22 June 2018

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