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【有声书 | 师父讲心理学】12、心理学中对“恋”的解析【中英双字】

发表于 2020-6-21 17:39:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式






心理学认为,人的猜测心理会形成 一种习惯性的有条件反应模式,这种模式会影响心理固定模式的形成,包括性欲及恋物癖(Fetishes)。

这些恋物癖的行为,主要是习惯性,就像男士很喜欢逛电器店,女士很喜欢逛服装店一样。有一些恋物癖就是心理对事物有条件反应的简单工具,犹如有一些好色的男人只要看见高跟鞋,就会 在他的情感思维中产生一种有条件反应的快感,这些恋物造成他心中有条件反射性的性行为,自己内心可能会抒发的一种情感,以确定在性方面或习惯性的恋物癖发挥的一定心理的解释作用。

治疗恋物癖,实际上跟治疗恋童癖、强奸犯是同样的一种控制习惯性有条件的治疗方法。首先要控制他们的幻想,指导他们的思维,让他们离开他所幻想的人和事物,以及对事物、他人产生性 暴力的一种幻觉,疏导和减缓他们对这些对象的强烈幻想。例如把那些儿童看成自己的孩子,把强奸的思维看成是一种低级动物的生活模式;让恋童癖患者产生一种厌恶自身思维中拥有自认为是正常人性有条件的反应,塑造他们心里正常人的愿望和兴趣的焦点。

在心理学上,恋是属于一种抒发,它分成暗恋和明恋。正思维和负思维明恋是一种正常人性的抒发,而暗恋是一种非正常内心扭曲的思维,所以很多恋物癖就是因为从物质上的某一个特性而相应了对自己思维的触发与响应,所以心理医生必须根据这些人的特点,让她的暗恋能够抒发出来;用心理疏导法,让他理解正常的心理作为,去除阴暗的心理角膜,拥有正能量的爱好。这样才 能使病人由一个幻想型的思维,转换成实质性和习惯性条件反射的思维。

From a psychological perspective, conjecture can lead to classical conditioning that will influence the formation of fixed mental patterns, including sexual desire and fetishes.

Fetishes are mainly habitual behaviours, similar to the way men like to visit electronics shops and women like to visit clothing shops. Some fetishes are the result of a conditioned response towards an object in the same way a lustful man experiences pleasurable feelings (the conditioned response) in his emotional thinking as soon as he sees high heels. These objects lead to a conditioned response in his sexual behaviour. He may be experiencing a certain kind of emotion in his inner world leading him to express his psychological response as a sexual or habitual fetish.

The treatment of fetishists is the same as the treatment of paedophiles and rapists, where the treatment method lies in controlling habitual responses. The first step is to control their fantasies and guide their thoughts so that they will leave behind the object or person of their (possibly violent) fantasies while reducing the fantasies they have about the object. For example, having a paedophile see other children as their own child and to view a rape mentality as a mentality that belongs to low level animals so that they will develop a sense of disgust at their own thinking and develop what they believe to be a normal human being's conditioned response. This will help them shape wishes and desires like those of a normal person.

In psychology, affection is a kind of expression and is divided into two types: secret affection not made known to the beloved and love openly expressed to the beloved. The positive and negative thinking that accompanies love openly expressed to the person of affection is a normal expression of human nature, while secret affection is a kind of abnormal state with distorted cognition. Fetishism occurs when a characteristic of the object triggers the person's corresponding thoughts and responses. The psychotherapist needs to take into account the person's unique characteristics to help the person express their secret affection. Psychotherapy can then help the person understand what normal psychological behaviour is, remove the mental darkness from the person, and help the person gain positive interests and habits. Only by doing so can the patient change their cognition from a fantasy-based model to one that is based upon reality and conditioned response.

卢军宏太平绅士,现任世界心理健康联盟董事局主席、澳洲东方传媒弘扬佛法慈善机构董事局主席、澳洲东方传媒报业广播电视集团董事长,是澳大利亚高级心理辅导师,拥有澳洲心理学高级文凭,并荣誉担任意大利锡耶纳大学荣誉客座教授、受聘著名国际佛教大学荣誉教授、英国西苏格兰大学佛学与哲学讲师,具有 25 年心理辅导经验,宣讲心理学与佛学理论至世界125个国家与地区,拥有一千万佛学与心理学的学习者与追随者。


Professor Richard Lu JP currently serves as the Chairman of Mental Health International, Australia Oriental Buddhist Charity Association and the Australia Oriental Media Group. He is a senior counsellor, holding an Advanced Diploma in Counselling and Psychology (Australia). 

Professor Lu has also been appointed as an Honorary Visiting Professor by the prestigious University of Siena, Italy; Honorary Professor by an international Buddhist university; and Lecturer in the area of Buddhism and Philosophy at the University of the West of Scotland, UK. With 25 years of experience in counselling, Professor Lu has given lectures in psychology and Buddhist theory in 125 countries and regions. 

Currently, there are 10 million people studying and following his psychological and Buddhist practices.

This book is a compilation of Professor Lu’s psychological research over the years. Professor Lu has abundant experience from many years of applying and practising psychology. His unique insight also provides positive and innovative solutions to mental health issues facing people today, adding lustre to the development of modern psychology.

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