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Eng Audiovisual[天地游]v1.C10:Meeting with Victorious-Fighting Buddha at the Hall o

发表于 2021-9-19 13:46:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

[Official Transcript] 10 Meeting with Victorious-Fighting Buddha at the Hall of Guan Di Bodhisattva; Watching the Trial of a Soul Who Committed Several Serious Offences


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Glossary Study


the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance


the path of cultivation is akin to treading on thin ice


the inner demons stem from the mind

正信正念 act in Right Faith, with Right Intention

魔道 the demonic path


the Buddha-Dharma is profound and wondrous

五善 the Five Wholesome Deeds

十戒 the Ten Precepts

头上三尺有神灵 Heaven is always watching


uphold and protect Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door


love our country, love the community and be a law- abiding citizen

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Journey to Heaven & Hell



On 8 November 2018, after falling asleep, I felt lighter than usual as I was enveloped in a ray of golden light that took me to Heaven. I flew past a Heavenly gate and reached the Hall of Guan Di Bodhisattva. Having received permission to enter, I saw a gigantic and incredibly solemn-looking Buddha as I walked in. Guan Di Bodhisattva introduced this Buddha to me; he explained that this Buddha was one of the Buddhas mentioned in the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Great Repentance. His name was Namo Victorious- Fighting Buddha. I was surprised, because he didn’t look like the Monkey King we saw in the dramas; rather, he had all the dignified, solemn and compassionate characteristics of a Buddha.


Victorious-Fighting Buddha spoke to me: “I have heard about a Heavenly Child under Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s guidance who has been assigned to journey into the Underworld and document all the scenes to share with the Human Realm. That’s why I made the trip to the Hall of Guan Di Bodhisattva to meet with you. Heavenly Child, you must take note - the path of cultivation is akin to treading on thin ice. There is no need to pay attention to the voices of slander, as the inner demons stem from the mind. Your Master has overcome countless hardships to bring such wonderful Buddhist teachings and practice in the Human Realm to you disciples. You must cherish them.

“I have observed many disciples of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door and found the majority of them to be sincere. They act in Right Faith, with Right Intention. But you must take note - supranormal powers are just a by-product as you make progress along the path of cultivation. One must not pursue them, or they will attract demons. If, one day, a demon’s intention manifests and you disciples are unable to control yourselves, you will deviate towards the demonic path.

“You must follow only your Master’s teachings, and trust his words. That’s what you must do. The Buddha-Dharma is profound and wondrous, but you disciples’ foundations are still not solid. So you must strive to comprehend the truth found in the Master’s Buddhism in Plain Terms. All the essence of the Buddha-Dharma can be found within. When you’re doing a group study of Buddhism in Plain Terms with fellow practitioners, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are constantly blessing you from Heaven, so that your wisdom can develop and your ability to understand and comprehend the teachings improves. Today, the King of Hell wants you to watch a trial at his court. Don’t be late for what you are supposed to do. Leave

now and come back soon.”

A ray of golden light whisked me off to the Underworld. An offender was kneeling before the King of Hell. On that day, the King was enraged, as the offender was unwilling to submit and argued back at the King when he was dragged into the court for trial. The offender didn’t stop until the enforcement officers slapped his mouth with a truncheon.



The furious King of Hell said: “Mortals like you think you're so intelligent. But your knowledge and understanding of the Buddha-Dharma, the Buddhist scriptures, and the matters of Heaven and the Underworld are only partial. You fail to study and practise Buddhism, you fail to perform the Five Wholesome Deeds, and you fail to observe the Ten Precepts. All you’re concerned with are fame, sex and power. You used your own subjective views and partial understanding to interpret Buddhism and created articles and videos to defame Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door as a cult, destroying the wisdom-life of existing and potential practitioners.”

The King of Hell turned on a display, and it depicted the ways in which the offender used online social media platforms like Facebook to speak irresponsibly about Guan Yin Citta. The number of likes and shares were very high.

“As you behaved out of ignorance and foolishness, the Buddha shows you mercy. You won’t be sent to the Unintermittent Hell. However, all the other offences you committed when you were alive will be tried - one by one.

Under the laws of the Underworld, you are hereby sentenced to the Hell of Excrement, as you led a promiscuous life and visited nightclubs, despite being a married man. You will also go to the Hell of Burning Flame, as you used Taoist venues to illicitly amass wealth in the name of charity, embezzled money offered by devotees, ran illegal businesses and were involved in bribery and smuggling. And you will go to the Hell of Tongue Ripping, as you scolded and verbally attacked those you disliked, used vulgar words to abuse and insult your business competitors on the internet, and had a terrible temper. This decision is not subject to appeal.”



With the trial over, the enforcement officer dragged the offender to the Hell Realm for punishment.

Meanwhile, the King of Hell signalled for me to return to the Human Realm. I was enveloped by rays of golden light and, when I woke up, it was after 5am.


---来信疑惑(二百六十七) 2018-11-23

Master Jun Hong Lu’s reply:

When you practise Buddhism, it’s not for others to see and praise. The Bodhisattvas in Heaven already know what you have done, and the ghosts of the Underworld know it too. Even if you try to keep me in the dark, it’s no use. You must practise diligently, as you reap what you have cultivated. Your stomach only gets full if you eat. When you’re hungry, and your mother says, “Child, let me eat for you,” would you be full? When you cultivate the mind, and if you cultivate well, you are the one who benefits. Heaven is always watching, so you must never commit unwholesome deeds. Rather, you must practise Buddhism properly, cultivate your mind, and uphold and protect Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door. It is such a great practice, as it teaches us to love our country, love the community and be a law- abiding citizen.

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