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[Totem Enquiry] digestive system; a deceased Christian is in the underworld- 201

发表于 2021-10-28 09:39:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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 More Totem Enquiry Cases

Totem Enquiry

The following case is extracted from “The Art of Applying Comprehensive Metaphysics” Grand Dharma Function in Malaysia on 28 August 2011. Master Lu performed Totem Enquiries live on stage and answered questions from the audience to help them overcome difficulties in their health, career, and everyday issues.

When a person is asking Master Lu to perform Totem Enquiry, if a living person is being enquired, then the year of birth and the Chinese zodiac sign of that person should be stated. If a deceased person is being enquired, then the full name of the deceased and the exact written characters of the name should be stated.


Enquirer: Hi, Master Lu.

Master Lu: Hi.

Enquirer: I was born in 1952, year of the Dragon.

Master Lu: 1952, year of the Dragon. What would you like to ask, you may tell me now.

Enquirer: Physical health condition.

Master Lu: Pardon?

Enquirer: Physical health condition.

Master Lu: Oh, physical health condition. Let me tell you, in your digestive system, there’s something narrow and long, and the colour is black. Do you understand? I just said that your digestive system is unbalanced. It’s possible that you had an operation in that area before. Have you had an operation for your digestive system before? Have you had an appendectomy?

Enquirer: I had an operation before but it wasn’t my digestive system.

Master Lu: Then what I saw was the scar from the operation. So do you see now? She had an operation before. The scar looks like this. Let me tell you, about this long. Is that right? Please answer me with a loud voice. Answer a bit louder.

Enquirer: Yes! Yes!

Master Lu: Aright, alright. Okay. Next, I would like to tell you, you should remember, don’t hold too much hatred in your mind. Because your heart is not very calm and you have a lot of unhappiness. You’re unhappy all the time. Do you understand?

Enquirer: Master Lu, I would also like to ask, I had a younger sister, I would like to know if she has departed peacefully.

Master Lu: Has she departed?

Enquirer: She left.

Master Lu: She left already? Already gone. If you tell me her full name, I will perform Totem Enquiry for you.

Enquirer: Chen Tzu Hua.

Master Lu: Last name is Chen, what’s her first name?

Enquirer: Terry Chen.

Master Lu: Terry Chen. Terry Chen, how do you spell Terry? T E R R Y.

Enquirer: Chen Tzu Hua.

Master Lu: Chen.

Enquirer: Tzu Hua. “Tzu” as in the Chinese character for “Purple”. “Hua” as in the Chinese Character for “Chinese language”.

Master Lu: Oh. “Tzu” as in the Chinese character for “Purple”. Chen Tzu Hua. Let me see… When did she pass away? When did she pass away?

Enquirer: 7th of July, passed away in the U.S.

Master Lu: Alright, you don’t have to say any more, I can see the Totem now. She’s in the lower realms, in the underworld. Not in a very good condition. She committed wrongdoings. Just now, you have already told me. Do you understand? When she passed away, her death was due to insufficient ventilation. Do you understand? Suffocation. Do you understand?

Enquirer: Yes, I understand.

Master Lu: What did you say about her just now? I didn’t hear it clearly. Just now, what did you say about her that wasn’t so good?

Enquirer: She was a full vegetarian for 10 years. She was a nice person.

Master Lu: But later on, she was using drugs. Since she took drugs, there are visible patches of black energy in her lungs.

Enquirer: No, she didn’t take drugs.

Master Lu: Alright, let’s not talk about her, okay? Let me just tell you, she’s currently in the underworld. Just letting you know, your younger sister is currently in the underworld. Also, your younger sister looks very much like you. Similar in height.

Enquirer: No, she was a Christian. How can she be in the underworld?

Master Lu: Let me ask you something. Well, let me tell you something, okay? Please listen to me. For Christians, there’s place where Christians call “Heaven”. Right? Heaven. Then, is there a place called “Hell”? Do I need to say any more? Right? Let me tell you, if there is Heaven, then there is Hell. Right? If there is a Heaven realm, then there is an underworld. It’s very simple. Therefore, it’s not like you can go wherever you want. It depends on your cultivation, and it depends on how well you have learnt. If you want to help your younger sister, and you have already come here today, you can help her by mindfully and sincerely performing recitations for her, and she can also proceed to a higher realm. Alright? Let me tell you. She was a nice person. Just now I saw her in the underworld and she hasn’t suffered much. Just now I was wondering, she has committed such wrongdoings, how come she hasn’t experienced much suffering? Maybe it’s because she had been a full vegetarian for a long time. Do you understand? But I can tell you that, you say that she had been a full vegetarian for a long time… I can explicitly tell you that, the number of years that she was a full vegetarian would be less than 10 years.

Enquirer: More than 10 years.

Master Lu: I really don’t know what to do with this Madam. Okay, okay. That’s all. Alright? You don’t have to worry, you can help her by performing recitations for her. How about this, do you really want to help her?

Enquirer: Of course.

Master Lu: Do you want Master Lu to ask her to visit you in your dream tonight? You see? She stopped talking. Let me tell you. Please remember, if you miss her and want her to visit you in your dream, you won’t be able to stand her appearance when she has just come from the underworld to visit you. You would experience cramps. You would experience sleep paralysis. Therefore, many people when they sleep, they experience sleep paralysis. Do you all understand? This is the reason. Do you understand? If you want to see her, I will ask her to visit you at night. If you don’t want to see her, then I won’t do the work. I will take a break as well.

Enquirer: She was in the U.S.

Master Lu: Okay, okay. Later you can just ask the volunteers to explain it to you, okay?




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